Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

how to play animal kaiser

1.insert coin / card member
2.scan you animal,strong and miracle card
3.chose player (1 player or 2 player)
4.when you slect 1 player chose the level (easy or strong)\
5.push the green button
6.and push the yellow button

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Penemuan Hippo Barry

  1. Machine Lion
  2. Machine Shark
  3. Machine Eagle
  4. Machine Gorilla
  5. Machine Lion HG
  6. Machine Shark HG
  7. Machine Eagle HG
  8. Machine Gorilla HG
  9. Poisoned Machine Gorilla
  10. Angry Machine Shark

Master Animal

SPL (Spesial Ops Leo)  ----> Master Leo

Icarus, The Young Eagle ----> Master Icarus

Blue Young Shark ----> Master Blue

Siegfried ----> Master Siegfried

Naopo ----> ninja tiger

Appollo the young liger ----> SPA (Spesial Ops Appollo) ----> Master Appollo

Jumbo the Lowland Gorilla ----> Master Jumbo

Hippo Harry ----> Master Harry ----> Dynamit Hippo Harry

Hippo Barry ----> Bad Hippo Barry ----> Vampire Hippo Barry ----> Slamdunk Hippo Barry ----> Professor Hippo Barry

Hippo Larry ----> Leutnant Hippo Larry ----> General Hippo Larry ----> Commander Hippo Larry & Mayor AK city

Jinjaro ----> Scorch ----> Death Scorch